Monday, March 8, 2010


The background of this world day as described in the UNA-Canada site:
(students can double-click on the words they are not familiar with)
Putting women and women’s rights to equality on the global agenda is the moving force behind International Women’s Day.  The idea of a day for women, celebrated all over the world, began at the beginning of this century in America and Europe.  The focus was the movement for women’s rights and achieving universal suffrage for women.  International Women’s Day really took hold between 1913 and 1917 when women held rallies either to protest the war or to express solidarity with their sisters.  In December 1977 the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution proclaiming a United Nations Day for Women’s Rights and International Peace.

Since those early years, much progress has been made for women in developed and developing countries alike:  in many countries, provisions guaranteeing the enjoyment of human rights without discrimination on the basis of sex have been included in constitutions;  legal literacy and other measures have been introduced to alert women to their rights and to ensure their access to those rights;  the world community has identified violence against women as a clear violation of women’s rights; incorporating gender perspectives into regular programmes and policies has become a priority at the United Nations and in many member states. 

Although much remains to be done to achieve full equality, the voices of women are being heard. March 8th  provides an opportunity to pay tribute to the achievements of women and to highlight the needs and concerns of women on national, regional and global agendas.

A vast array of information and photos about women's history and achievements can be found by following the links listed in this post on Larry Ferlazzo's blog.

Teachers especially will discover a wealth of classroom material concerning this topic on this TeacherVision page.

Read some advanced students' comments on the issue of equality of the two sexes by clicking on the word 'comments' under this post.

Another relevant post on a student's blog entitled 'Joanna's Corner' is this.


  1. I firmly believe that although the voices of women have been heard many things are left to be done to prove the equality between the two sexes.Especially in my country women are struggling for their rights in every place.People must pay attention to the women for their work and not for the inherent roles that women are supposed to play.

  2. Personally speaking I believe that although the voices of women have been heard they have not succeeded in the total equality of the two sexes. The manifastations of inequality are glaring to all of us!However, we should not forget the effort that women have put in the elimination of this discrimination.

  3. I think that many steps have been made to achieve equality between the two sexes,although in many undeveloped or developing countries women are still considered to be in lower social status.Unfortunately,though, debasement of women exists in developed countries as well.The social law may recognise and support the equality between males and females but there are certain beliefs and ethic laws among the people of a community that hold women back.

  4. I'm just thinking, what else do you (women) want to achieve yet...? I believe that in our country enough have been achieved.To name one, in the public sector a pregnant woman stays away from work for seventeen months or more. There is also, the mother's day and other days concerning women....And what about men? I agree that we are equal. But enouqh! I'm afraid that you want to change the nature of the sexes. But this can't be done. There are things that only women can do and things that only men can do. We (men) are tired of all these things. We feel that all the world moves around women. Don't you see that something is going on? Nowadays you feel loneliness and we also feel the same because women have changed dramatically. I think that communication between sexes is like our environment. FAULTY! We need to cooparate and to take measures about this...Think about it!

  5. I firmly believe that, nowadays, there is not equality between women and men. Based on my personal experience, in the work enviroment there are no opportunities for women to achieve a high level position in a company or to get a well-paid job! That fact depends on today's mentality that the inherent role of a woman is to take care of her children and the traditional role of a man is to be the bread winner! Finally, I am opposed to the statement that we have achieved equality as this, in my opinion, is partial.
