Wednesday, September 15, 2010


1) Do you know the story? Who are the main characters?

2) Find the meaning of these words:

woodcutter, wolf, basket, wood, grandma, reach, scream

3) Visit this page of the British Council and do the matching activity. Then watch the video of the story.

4) Look at the flashcards in front of you. Put them in the correct order and say the story in your own words.

5) Answer the question on the British Council page: In the story we meet Little Red Riding Hood's Granny. Now, tell us about one or two of your grandparents.

  • What’s their name?
  • What are they like?
  • What do they look like?
  • How often do you see them?
  • Do they live near your house?

6) Think of a funny version of the story and write it as a comment under the post. There is a prize for the one who will write the funniest story!

A' Class enacted this story during the end-of-year celebration in 2009.


  1. The little red riding hood goes first to her grandma's house and then eats the wolf! Finally the woodcutter kills the grandma!

  2. The little red riding hood picks frogs for her grandma. And then she goes to her grandma's house .But the grandma isn't there and then she goes to her house.The little red riding hood has to eat the frogs herself.

  3. Little red riding hood makes a cake for her grandma and goes to the wood. The woodcutter is the grandma and woodcutter eats the little red riding hood.

  4. The wolf makes a cake for his granny.His mum tells:you must be careful with the little red riding wood.Then the wolf goes to the forest and he looks at the little red riding wood.She tells to the wolf to go on another path and he is lost!!!

  5. Alexandra and KaterinaSeptember 16, 2010 at 7:04 PM

    The little red riding hood meets the wolf in the forest....!!!!
    When the wolf saw her starts screaming like aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!
    and he starts doing some moves of karate...and scream like this ouuuuuuuaaa xaaa!!!! Then tle little riding hood said to him what are you doing are you crazyyy???????
    So he answer I know karate and I have a macth with your grandma...!!! To decide who wil eat the other me or your pour of karate moves grandma...!!!!!!Ok said the little riding hood I haven't any problem so if you go there take the basket it has lemonpits and small chocolate cakes in it..!!!! so good luck and make her lose!!!!!
    Why????? ask the wolf...
    And she answer...because
    I HATE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!

  6. One day the little bad riding hood makes a cake to her granny.then she start to goes to her granny's house.
    she stops to take a gun to kill the good wolf!!!!!!! after that she saw the wolf and she take the gun to kill the wolf .the wolf run away very fast and he goes to the wood.
    the little bad riding hood hunt the
    wolf . she saw him ...and the wolf scared and he's fall to the cliff !!!!!!!!!then the bad little riding hood goes to hers granny very happy .she give to her the
    basket and eat the cake.her granny was very happy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    the end
